Sofia & Joshua Gordon Jeff and Angie's tribute to their children

May 30, 2015

Movie night

Filed under: Joshua's Blog,Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 1:22 pm

Josh and Sofia just can’t seem to make it through movie night…


May 24, 2015

Blue Cowboys football cake is yummy

Filed under: Joshua's Blog,Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 8:20 pm

Josh celebrates his first flag football season which he was really into.  They were of course the Cowboys this the blue cake…. 


Sleepy time

Filed under: Joshua's Blog,Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 7:59 pm

Sleeping in parents bed.  Thunderstorms are scary unless in mom & dad’s bed.


May 11, 2015

May 2015

Filed under: Joshua's Blog,Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 7:48 pm

Superhero time in Kindergarten.  Can you spot Josh?  Also a quick shot from Mothers day.


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