Sofia wanted her birthday at a nearby gymnastics center. Kids and adults seemed to have a good time. Angie made the cake and all treats/decorations by hand. It is hard to believe Sofia is 4.
- Sofia’s bday at school
- New shoes!
- Angie’s hard work
Sofia wanted her birthday at a nearby gymnastics center. Kids and adults seemed to have a good time. Angie made the cake and all treats/decorations by hand. It is hard to believe Sofia is 4.
Joshua recently upgraded to a big boy bed which he refuses to stay in all night thus far. We usually find him sleeping on the floor in front of the upstairs gate or Sofia’s room. See construction pics and final results below….
Catalina and Mike Ormsby came to visit this summer. They are expecting their first born in late November. I hope Josh and Sofia did not terrify them….they were pretty crazy during the visit. We all really enjoyed having them stay with us.
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