Sofia & Joshua Gordon Jeff and Angie's tribute to their children

October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

Filed under: Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 7:54 pm

Sofia was the cutest ladybug on the block and seemed to enjoy getting a free treat from every house we stopped at.  She did very well.

sofia-13-months_22.JPGgetting ready

sofia-13-months_24.JPGThis is too much fun!!!

sofia-13-months_26.JPGBig steps

sofia-13-months_27.JPGWhere to first mom?


sofia-13-months_31.JPGso this is where the free stuff goes?



sofia-13-months_44.JPGTrick or Treat makes me thirsty

sofia-13-months_45.JPGCheck out my cool Halloween spider tattoo

October 28, 2007

Sunday in the Park

Filed under: Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 9:57 pm

Today was beautiful outside.  Daddy had to spend most the day working this Sunday, but pulled himself away to take a trip to the park near our house.  Sofia really enjoyed walking in the grass and swinging.  She got upset when Daddy took her out of it so someone else could have a turn.  Sharing is tough!

October 21, 2007

Burr…time for warm clothes

Filed under: Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 9:50 pm

Started getting chilly at night here last week. Took some cute pics next to the fireplace with Sofia.

October 19, 2007

Walking is fun!!!

Filed under: Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 9:26 pm

Sofia has now mastered walking and can entertain herself for quite some time by utilizing this new skill.  Circling the family room is evidently more fun that we adults had realized.  She would much rather hold your hand and walk through a store than sit in some dumb shopping cart.  She is also very curious and thinks it is fun to touch every new object she lays her eyes on.  Running is not far off and we can already see her attempting it when she gets really excited.  Below is your array of recent pics….enjoy.

October 13, 2007

Sofia’s 1st Birthday Bash

Filed under: Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 2:30 pm

Sofia and all had a good time at her birthday party.  It was her first experience with cake and ice cream.  Sofia likes sweets just like Daddy.  There was a bounce house and piñata to keep the kids entertained.  I’ve uploaded several pictures from the party to browse through. They are thumbnails so click on them for a larger image.

October 10, 2007

Sofia 1 year professional pics

Filed under: Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 10:40 pm

Sorry it has taken so long to get some of these new pictures up. Sofia is now one and learns new things daily. It is amazing how she begins to point at things and try to identify them with her ever expanded vocabulary. I promise to get the 1 year birthday bash pics up soon.

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