Sofia & Joshua Gordon Jeff and Angie's tribute to their children

April 29, 2012

April 2012

Filed under: Joshua's Blog,Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 10:21 pm

This month was busy and blew by fast.  Summer is fast approaching so trying to enjoy what little Texas spring remains.

April in a nutshell:

1. Disney on Ice

2. Bday party

3. Sofia visits ER again with gash on her chin.  This happened when Mom was out of town – extra fun for Daddy this weekend.  No stitches, just glue – evidently super gluing cuts together is standard medical practice these days.  Sofia is fine.

4. Another bday party

5. Sofia’s end of soccer season party

6. Sofia’s 1st T-ball practice

7. More bday parties – you get the idea

8. Josh end of soccer season party



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