Sofia & Joshua Gordon Jeff and Angie's tribute to their children

December 25, 2007

Christmas 2007

Filed under: Sofia's Blog — Jeff Gordon @ 11:15 pm

Sofia’s parents have been busy the last month preparing for Christmas which explains the lack of blog posts since Thanksgiving. Christmas was fun this year as Sofia was old enough to really enjoy opening presents and playing with new things. It was quite an adventure for her and we don’t think she really minds being the center of attention. She got lots of great gifts. Angie and I would like to thank everyone for making Christmas special this year. Santa Clause visited last night and left Sofia this cool play table for her upstairs playroom. She thanks Santa. See pictures…..

sofia-14-months_29.JPGIs Christmas here yet?

chistmas-2007_01.JPGFinally done wrapping all the presents…Mommy’s tired

chistmas-2007_09.JPGThe tree before the ravaging of the presents.

chistmas-2007_12.JPGHola, grandma Dettmann!

chistmas-2007_10.JPGGrandma Gordon

chistmas-2007_31.JPGLook what Uncle Jason sent me!!!

chistmas-2007_37.JPGWOW MOM!!! Those clothes are SOOO AMESOME!!!

chistmas-2007_47.JPGAbuelita Gordon got me this awesome chair with my name on it!

chistmas-2007_50.JPGDid I mention how much I love my chair…and shoes.

chistmas-2007_52.JPGYes Dad, I think I’ll try reading in my chair


chistmas-2007_21.JPGDad tried to get a little artistic with this shot

Now we continue on to Christmas morning……….

chistmas-2007_68.JPGThanks Santa for my cool playtable!!!

chistmas-2007_79.JPGWearing the shoes Daddy bought which are too big while sitting in my new favorite chair still in my PJs.

chistmas-2007_82.JPGWith cousin Kaylee

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